My website traffic is different on Google Analytics and Search Console

ForumMy website traffic is different on Google Analytics and Search Console
Mohammad Athar Staff asked 2 years ago
I'm using Yoast to check my daily visits and it averages 50 per day only. But when I check google analytics, for the past 2 weeks. it shows 2 days when my blog received at least 500 visits. Why is that?
1 Answers
Best Answer
Fajal Shah answered 2 years ago
Google Search Console doesn't really measure website visits the same way as Google Analytics does. For on-site tracking, Analytics would have better precision and accuracy as it can track users, events and conversions real time with data freshness ranging from seconds to half an hour - Search Console does not have this capability. I have no idea how Yoast tracks page visitors. I personally wouldn't use it and stick to Analytics instead.