How do I download all links from a website and check which ones are NOT in the Google index?

ForumCategory: SEO - On-Page & Off-PageHow do I download all links from a website and check which ones are NOT in the Google index?
Mohammad Athar Staff asked 2 years ago
I have a wordpress/Woocommerce site. Does anyone know of a tool that can extract all URLs from the site and check which ones are NOT in the Google index?   Links I am interested in are not active on site. (disabled products that are re-directed to parent category). I want to know when those fall off the Google index and can be deleted permanently. I need some sort of plugin for WordPress/Woocommerce to do so. Or, I can write a small plugin to generate a list of URLs in question and need a tool I can feed this list to.
1 Answers
Fajal Shah answered 2 years ago
Most crawlers like Screaming Frog can do this. Not free, unless your site is very small. If the site is very small you might be able to get this data from Google Search Console.