How to Do SEO for Bing? A-Z of Bing SEO Optimization

When we talk about SEO, Google, for most web browser marketers, jumps to mind. And, it does make sense. You can bring huge traffic to the site if you can satisfy the search giant. Most advertisers don’t realize that a profitable platform may also be the second most famous search engine. Doing SEO for Bing and achieving Bing search rankings can be a wonderful encounter for you.

Bing has a reasonable customer base in the US, including Yahoo search, which is operated by Bing. Also, in most market segments, the Yahoo-Bing network still has a significant reach. Bing traffic has decent quality traffic than Google. And, the users updated more sites and clicked more affiliate links, as well.

And most correct strategies for search results stay the same as they are for Google. Even though the rules and regulations for both the search engines are not all same. So, considering that Bing is much more truthful and honest about its rating variables, compared to Google, you can eat the Bing pie with very little focus.

Now that you know the many benefits of SEO for Bing, let’s get going with putting your best effort forward towards Bing. There are some aspects you can do, to Bing-up your business site by following digital marketing trends.

In this article, we’ll discuss Bing SEO for Blogging Sites. So, let’s begin with a major tool of Bing!

Bing Webmaster Tools 

The first favour you can do to your Blog site is to integrate this free tool with your business website. This will help to analyze the performance of your website according to Bing’s search engine. You can completely leverage this tool to get the max for your website. It helps in…

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  1. Indexing – sitemap and URL submission
  2. URL Inspection
  3. Find keywords for which your site has impressions, clicks, and a better avg position. This can help in keyword research optimize web pages against them.
  4. Backlinks created against webpages 
  5. Disavow irrelevant links or those that harm your site

There are a lot more things you can discover once you have this tool. Just verify the ownership, get your website crawled for a detailed audit, and start working on the issues addressed. Even if there are no issues, take data to drive conclusions to improve and better your website’s performance. 

Bing SEO Analyzer – Now SEO Reports in Webmaster:

It comes with Bing Webmaster Tools. This tool helps you out with a complete SEO audit. It mentions optimization opportunities you can avail to prepare your website that Bing loves, which results in better performance in SERPs. Reported Issues are related to tags, broken links, and more.

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Bing Ranking Factors And Best Practices For Blogging Sites

If you own a blog and you want organic traffic from Bing on the blog posts you created, you need to know the ranking factors that Bing considers and bring it to your best practices. 

Bing considers the following factors against your blog page and compares them with other sites to position content URLs in search result pages.

Content relevancy with search query

This is very obvious like every search engine aims to provide results that match the user’s intent. Proper keyword research plays a key role here. Keep reading for a keyword research guide or tip.

Page-load Time

Your blog post page load time matters! Pages that open easily are preferred by Bing. Your ranking would be better if your website loads quickly.

User Engagement

To determine user interaction and engagement, Bing uses an algorithm known as “Pogo Sticking.”Here is what happens when anyone uses Bing to do a search.

  • Bing checks to see whether they are clicking on a search result or not. Here comes the relevancy check discussed above.
  • If the user clicks on one of the search results, Bing carefully notices it.
  • It then tracks how long a searcher stays on your blog post page and whether or not they return to see the search result. 
  • It is said that Bing also tracks if the content is being shared by users on different platforms (not confirmed!)

Thus, user engagements have further sub-factors,

  1. CTR: To better appreciate the user experience, Bing tracks click-through rates and total session time. In the web results list, sites with a high CTR are always prioritized.
  2.   Social Shares: (Indirect signals): If your visitors share this content on different social platforms, it is said that Bing gets the signal. Bing considers it as quality content or user-loved content that should be ranked with better positions in SERPs.So, it is important to create blog content while keeping this ranking factor in mind. It should hold the user on your site.
  3. Exact Match: Bing still looks for exact matches in content. So, it is important that your blogs must have a good density of your target keyword. Keyword in title and meta description is also a must. 

Bing SEO Ranking Factors – Tips For Best Practices

  Keyword Research Tips

  1. Target long-tail keywords because usually such keywords have good search volume and are low competitive. The second benefit is that such keywords are more specific that bring the relevant traffic to your blog posts. That keeps bounce rates low and passes the Pogo Sticking algorithm of Bing.
  2. Look for potential keywords using Bing Webmaster Tools. Optimize the already ranking pages against them or if suitable create a new blog page if the position is not very convincing but internal link the blogs.
  3. Consider Bing auto-complete or suggestions while searching for Keywords.  

Bing PAA

Use the PAA (People Also Ask) section against the search queries. Try answering them in your existing blogs or you may write the complete blog answering that query. This practice also helps to rank for voice search queries where keywords are more questions or conversational in nature. So, make your blog post content voice search optimized too.

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Schema /Structure data

Apply schema codes and use a structured data approach on your main blog page and every blog post. This helps search engines to understand your site and thus rank you better against related search queries that you might not be targeting intentionally in your blog content. Though Bing ranks against exact matches; but future is not far that likewise Google, Bing comes up with a better algorithm to understand search queries semantically over exact matches.

Use Bing URL Submission API

It is an important tip for all blog owners to notify their new web content using this API, especially if it is a news blogging site. For WordPress users, we can use Bing API Submission Plugin or RankMath Bing API submission feature.

Tip For Region-Based Content

Optimize your content against the demographic keywords. These keywords have low competition and provide you with a better chance to rank for that region. Like if your blog is on top place to visit in Paris. Then using relative location-wise keywords is wise. Rest exact match makes it easier for now to rank locally.

 Tip for Image-based or Video-Based Content

The main factor here is only relevance. Later comes popularity, authority, trust, and quality. Even if Bing has to show multiple images or videos from the same website, it will. So incorporate images and videos into your blog. To establish relevance, Bing looks at alt tag, title tag, caption, file name, and the content surrounding them. So, do not forget to use these mentioned areas for optimization.

Explore Keywords Bing SEO Tools

Explore Keywords free keyword research tool for Bing can yield amazing longtail keywords using which we can rank in Bing SERPs and get a lot of traffic.


It comes as no surprise that every blog owner and SEO marketing company cares about how Bing and Google can boost their website rankings. Bing is more Google-like than many know. Their techniques may not be the same, but with sensitive balancing, a strategic plan that satisfies both Bing and Google are not impossible to keep up with.

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